Fixed Assets Management

Fixed assets management in IntelliTrack Assets includes the ability to add and track fixed asset inventory as well as account for the declining value of your fixed assets by calculating asset depreciation.


When your asset management system includes the Depreciation featureThis assets feature is a division-level setting. When available and ON for the division, the user is able to reach the Assets > Depreciation Classes option and the Depreciation Classes page. The user is also able to associate a depreciation class with an asset-type item via the Depreciation Class field at the Item form, enter depreciation information for the asset at the Asset form, and calculate depreciation for an asset., you are able to calculate the depreciation for all assets in a division, which enables you to view and/or print queries and reports detailing the depreciation data of your assets. To use IntelliTrack Assets:

  1. The user license must include the IntelliTrack Assets features.
  2. The user role must include these features.
  3. The users must be assigned to a user role that includes these features.
  4. Depreciation is also a division-level setting; hence, the Depreciation option must be enabled for the default division.

IntelliTrack Assets Features

The IntelliTrack Assets features include:

Asset Features




Edit access to this feature provides for adding an asset type item and then adding assets to the item. Edit access to the Items feature must be enabled to add, edit, and track assets. Also provides for using the account and condition lookup values. Read-only access to this feature provides for viewing asset information.

Asset Documents

Edit access to this feature provides for uploading a document to an asset, downloading the document, and deleting a document from the asset. Read-only access to this feature provides for viewing the Documents that have been uploaded to the asset and downloading them.

Asset Inventory

Provides for performing asset inventory in the mobile application.


Edit access to this feature provides for adding, editing, deleting, and viewing assignees in the application. Read-only access to this feature provides for viewing the assignees in the application.


Edit access to this feature provides for adding, editing, and deleting depreciation classes in the application; assigning a depreciation class to an asset-type item; calculating asset depreciation in the application.

Read-Only Access to this feature provides for viewing depreciation classes, and asset depreciation information.

Inventory Asset Mass Move

Provides for moving all asset from one site-location to another site-location.

Inventory Asset Single Move

Provides for moving a single asset from one site-location to another site-location.


Provides for retiring an asset from the Assets form.